Cute Love Poems For Him

    love poems

  • Poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning.


  • cunning: attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness; “a cute kid with pigtails”; “a cute little apartment”; “cunning kittens”; “a cunning baby”
  • Sexually attractive
  • (cutely) cunningly: in an attractive manner; “how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure”
  • Attractive in a pretty or endearing way
  • Affectedly or superficially clever
  • obviously contrived to charm; “an insufferably precious performance”; “a child with intolerably cute mannerisms”

cute love poems for him

cute love poems for him – Cute Love

Cute Love Poems
Cute Love Poems
‘Cute Love Poems’ is a collection of ten poems. They present love through unique and creative titles. Words said at the right time will give place to the strength and tenderness of love. Finding the right words to express love can greatly enhance the delight of a moment. Love poems through the auspices of experience can provide the thrust needed to bring fire to the relationship. The writer builds a bridge through poems that connects reality to sentiments and communicates in a meaningful way. What better way to express love than through poems.

Happy Valentines Day 😀

Happy Valentines Day :D
If you’re getting together with your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day, you may be asking yourself if your boyfriend cares for you as much as you care for him. Well here’s something you should know about guys. They’re not the best at sharing their feelings. They may need a little poking and prodding. Don’t look at this as a sign that they don’t care. They need your help. Show him how to be a good lover. Be clear about what you want, he’s probably more scared than you.
Guys, if you’re looking for inspiration, think about this. Where would you be without your girlfriend? Have you ever tried sharing feelings with your buddies? They just don’t get it, and they would laugh at you anyway. Be thankful that you have someone that you can be vulnerable with. Having a woman in your life is the ultimate gift. Your bodies fit together because your souls fit together and you’re meant to be together. Say thank you to your girlfriend. Tell her how grateful you are that she is in your life.
Do you ever look across the dinner table and wonder where the sexy man that you married went? Well, I’ve got news for you. He’s probably thinking the same about you. It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. Hopefully you don’t hold your husband in contempt, but it’s definitely not like it used to be. If you want your husband to sit up and take notice, do something unusual this Valentine’s Day. The longer that you’ve been married, the crazier it has to be.
Valentine’s Day is coming up and here’s something to keep in mind. This holiday probably means more to your wife than it does to you. Do yourself a favor and show her that you really care. It will be worth your while, guaranteed. You may think that your wife knows that you love her. You may think that she knows you appreciate her. But how should she know? Think about it, when was the last time you took her in your arms, looked into her eyes and shared your deepest feelings? Now is the time!


A poem for Billyboy
I’m in love with a cat named billyboy a paper ball is his play toy. I flick it one way and he brings it back, I wake up in the morning and he’s laying on my back. he stretches and yawns his claws get caught in my hair, I brush my teeth and head to the kitchen and he’s already there, on the counter top staring me in the face, please feed me with haste. he finishes breakfast then he’s nowhere to be found, he’s a real good friend but not if your a mouse.

cute love poems for him

How To Get a Man, Keep a Man, and Marry a Man; In No Particular Order: A Real Man's Perspective
Have you ever wondered why you are still single? Or maybe constantly in and out of relationships?

Well, Michael’s book will go into every detail about what your male counterparts want in a relationship. Of course, all males are not the same and therefore, they don’t all expect the same, but this book will give you some general guidlines as to what most guys want in a relationship.

This book will also give you the Do’s and Don’t in a relationship, but also what to do and not do do when trying to find your Prince Charming.

Also included are some erotic short stories in poetic form which you may enjoy more so than the main subject of the book. (Not suitable for ages 17 and under)

Yes, the author has given the female a little bit of everything in this work!!